Thursday, December 30, 2010
Lazy Day
I may wind up just locking my bedroom door and hiding out. Besides my three grandchildren who live in the house we have two other children that we watch for their mother. So due to school being out for Christmas we have two extra children in the house this week. So things can get pretty hectic when you have 5 children in the house plus 4 adults. Needless to say we have a house full. Plus that doesn't even mention the 4 cats we have.
Guess this is the life we have all chosen so on second thought I will not lock the door but don't make me get out of my PJ's cause that I don't want to do.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Chocolate Christmas Cookies
I think that everything's a little better with chocolate. Well, almost everything except bacon. i wasn't a fan of the chocolate covered bacon that I tried at the fair. However, I think that you can't go wrong with chocolate cookies, so I decided that instead of fixing the same old boring sugar cookies that people consider the classic Christmas cookies, I would make some kind of chocolate cookie.
I went online to try and find some recipes for good and chocolate-y cookies to make for the holidays when I ran across this website Direct tv internet bundle deals and read through it some. After a little bit of consideration, I decided to sign up for the internet service.
I found all kinds of recipes for chocolate Christmas cookies, but I wanted to make sure to find one that has some other flavor in it that will taste Christmas-y like cinnamon or something along those lines.
Christmas is here
I remember one year as a child I guess I was about 12 years old. My parents were gone for the day and for some reason I was allowed to stay at home by myself. Well I went into the attic and took a paring knife with me. I slit the tape on the packages with my name on them. I actually even tried on a dress. I can still see that dress it was black velvet and Oriental style with gold buttons and trim. I have to say it was probably the best but yet worse Christmas I ever had. I loved everything I received but there were no surprises. I had to act surprised with each package I opened on Christmas Eve even though I knew what everything was. I never told my Mother what I did. I think it would have broken her heart to know I had done something like that.
But to Mother and Daddy I miss you most at this time of the year. So Merry Christmas Mother and Daddy.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Let the games begin
One of the games they are interested is boxhead 2. So she will be playing that and I think another one is called age of war. I have always tried to tell my daughter that she is a block head but I think boxhead is something much different. But needless to say she will be playing a couple of new online games before she turns the kids loose on them by themselves.
I have tried to tell her that she needs to get into blogging for money, but as of yet she has not tried that, I may get her to try it someday who knows. But first things first she has to get busy playing those online games for her kids.
Eating out
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Need new shoes
I have worn cheap shoes in the past and have finally come to the decision that my father was right. If you buy something cheap you get something cheap. Now that doesn't mean I have to pay a years wages for shoes it just means I look long and hard for the right shoes at the right price.
What I am one the search right now is for a really great comfortable pair of tennis shoes. I want something that will last and feel good when I am wearing them. I have given up on the age of the fashion look of shoes and have decided that comfort is the best thing to look for when looking for new shoes. So let the search begin. I will not stop until I find the perfect looking, fitting and priced pair of shoes. I know you are out there so look out shoes her I come.
Let the good times roll
Is Spiderman Special?
Guest written by our friend Gladys Fuentes
I grew up watching all the superhero movies. I watched Superman, Batman, and Spiderman. Wait - does Batman qualify as a superhero? I'm not even sure. I guess what I meant to say is that I grew up watching movies where men dressed up in tight outfits and still managed to look cool saving the day. How they pulled that off, I have no idea. I guess this is just one of the many miracles Hollywood is capable of. Growing up, my favorite hero was Superman. This is also why I had no interest in watching Spiderman. I felt that it was a form of betrayal. But sometimes boredom can lead to betrayal, which is what happened to me last week.
It began as an innocent Friday night. It was a long work week and I just wanted to relax and unwind. Then I turned on my DirectTV satellite packages and found the title 'Spiderman.' I debated for a few moments, sighed, and decided to give it a go. I was nervous because I didn't want to be a traitor. I guess I can't disrespect Benedict Arnold anymore. After watching Spiderman, I realized that Superman was great for its time, but Spiderman was special. I can't believe I just said Spiderman was special. I don't even know how they did it. The movie was so predictable yet still managed to keep me on the edge of my seat the entire time. What a ride. Well done, Spiderman. Well done.
Happy Birthday
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wish Lish
Then another think I would really love to have in the kitchen would be a stainless steel kitchen sink with a butcher block countertop. It is not like we don't already have the stainless steel sinks but we do not have the butcher block counter top. My former brother in law created one for my mother in the kitchen in her house when he did a remodel job for her and I really like it a lot.
There are other things that some day down the road I would like to have but it I wish for everything at once then what will I have to look forward for the days and years to come?
Let's hear it for internet
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Florida Winter
Last winter however we were living in Pennsylvania and I have to say it was a bit too much there for me. We had a total of almost 8 feet of snow during the winter. I don't care if I ever see snow again to be honest. I had more than my fill of it up there.
What to wear
I do have to say one of my qualifications for my scrubs was that they all had to be cotton scrubs. If you have never been to the Nation of Haiti let me tell you it is hot there all year round. Their winter is still hotter than a Florida summer. My next qualification was I needed to find discounted scrubs. I purchased about 20 pairs of scrubs so that I would have plenty in case I was not able to do laundry as frequently as here in the US. Which was a very good thing since I had to do our laundry by hand and then hang it on a line to dry. Everything smelled very good and fresh but it was a chore to say the least.
I actually enjoyed wearing my scrubs everyday. They were cooler and more comfortable than wearing skirts or dresses and much more modest when you were working in a hot warehouse sorting medicines or working in a clinic out under the hot Haiti sun.
So many things
- Transfer Electric
- Transfer Water
- Transfer Satellite
- Transfer Internet
- Get Gas for House
- Notify out of town family of new address
- Rent Truck
- Pack (not all done yet)
- Oh yeah physically do the moving
Stormy Weather
All I can do for them is during the hurricane season is pray that the storms just stay out to sea or even better yet that they don't ever form. I have always had a problem with prying that the storms go another direction because I would never wish a hurricane on my worst enemy. Having gone through three hurricanes ourselves in one season. We had no damage to our home but the emotional strain was rough to say the least.
Just shoot me now
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tampa Bay Lighting Keeping Florida Cool With Great Hockey
Guest post from: Issac Bird
Taking vacation from time to time I tried to take in sporting events. On a trip to Florida I thought Hockey in a warm venue is this crazy? What I was in store for was something I never expected. I was able to attend a Tampa Bay Lighting game which was something that was really exciting for me. I am not the biggest NHL Hockey fan, but after the experience I was hooked on the sport.
Like most I had this perception hockey was a sport with plenty of fighting and nothing else. I was pleasantly surprised when I attend the Tampa Bay Lighting game. I saw some very talented players who could skate and do some amazing things on the ice. Watching hockey in a warm weather state is much different than a cold weather state that is for sure. The one thing that does not change though is the passion for the sport that NHL Hockey fans have.
Tampa Bay Lighting fans love their team and they show up every night to watch them. I have become a fan as well and watch the games I cannot attend on satellite tv from This way I can keep up with the Lighting and some of my favorite players. Without a doubt Vinny Lecavalier is one of my favorite players on the Lighting. Just watching how hard he plays he gives it all every night. You cannot ask any more than that from a player.
Moving Day
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Business as usual
Then the thought came to her that you can be a great cook and have a great location but if nobody know about you then you are pretty much already out of business. So she has decided that She will need to hire an Advertising Agency to bring the proper attention to her new business venture. She has actually come to the conclusion that unless people know who you are, where you are and what you do and to be honest how well you can do it then the best business is nothing more than a lemonade stand in your front yard. So now she is in the process of researching Advertising Agencies to find that perfect fit between the Agency and her for her new business. So to my daughter I wish the best and look forward to trying all of the new recipes she has been collecting.
Happy thaksgiving
I have to work tomorrow on Thanksgiving Day. I am not extremely happy about that event since I have never worked where I was required to work on a holiday in my working life but then again I never worked at a restaurant where I was expected to work. My one daughter works there too so at least we will both be working together tomorrow and my other daughter and husband will be home getting the diner ready for us to consume when we get home from work. So should be an interesting day tomorrow.
So if I don't see you or talk to you before tomorrow then have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Bowling in a league
Post contributed by Josue Durham
Have you ever wondered why humans are so enamored with professional sports? We buy television sports packages so that we won't miss our favorite teams, we plan entire trips around attending a professional sporting event, we buy team apparell and spend the entire week looking forward to weekend rivalries. It's all about the thrill of the competition, and competition is not lacking in adult sports leagues.
I joined a bowling league not too long ago, and love every minute of it. It's fun, it's exciting -- there is always an opportunity to beat a rival and experience the sweet taste of victory. People may think that bowling is boring, that it isn't a real sport, and I beg to differ. Bowling is about independence; it's just you and the pins. You are in control of your own destiny, win or lose. You can perfect your game and encourage your teammates, revel in your successes and build upon the experience of your defeats. When I set myAllHomeSecurity home security alarm and leave the house for a tournament, I know it's going to be a good night, no matter the outcome.
Adults sports leagues offer the same excitement as watching professional athletic events, but you get to be in control. It's an event for the die-hard fans that are trying to make it big, even in the little leagues.
We will be going to the store on Wednesday to get everything else we are going to need for our dinner. I will be glad to be spending Thanksgiving with our daughters and our grandchildren. Last year we were not here with our family and I have to say that was a big bummer to say the least. So this year we are all going to be together and thankful if it kills me.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Holiday Time
We are all getting ready to move to another home in a couple of weeks and I am hoping that maybe I will be able to get my Christmas decorations out and maybe get myself in the holiday spirit. But just not sure about it at all.
Flying home for thanksgiving
Guest post written by Bethany Harrington
No matter how much I enjoy living and working in New York right now, it just still isn't like home. So I'm flying home to spend Thanksgiving with my family. I know that it's going to be a nightmare to do, but it will be worth waiting around in airport lines and likely delays to visit with my family.
I booked the tickets a long time ago, but just looked about last week to see what the weather would be like. Let's just say it will be a lot warmer at home, which will be really nice. When I was doing that I saw some info about a wireless internet company and decided to click now and get it in my apartment.
I'm really looking forward to this traditional Thanksgiving and plan on eating my weight in dressing and pumpkin pie and then doing some online shopping the day afterward. I plan on relaxing a whole lot and driving instead of walking anywhere that I need to go. It will be a nice break from the hustle and bustle right before the Christmas tourism season.
It's A Boy
I guess I was most pleased with the guys that work there because a few of them came through with really good gifts for her. You just don't expect guys to come through like that especially young single guys. But they did a great job and she was very excited and happy with everything that she received.
Friday, November 12, 2010
the NBA season is here
Thanks for the article from Glenda Hanson
Now is the time for the baseball season to end, and the basketball season to start. This is where the stars of the hardwood come out to shine. This is where the defending champions Los Angeles Lakers begin to start the defense of their title.
Kobe Bryant is one of the league's best players of all time. He is a sure fire Hall of Famer. He has been with the Lakers for his entire NBA career and is one of the greatest Laker players of all time.
LeBron James made his historic jump from the Cleveland Cavaliers to the Miami Heat this offseason setting off a spark of controversy in doing so. In going to the Heat, James teams up with Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh making the Heat a potential NBA title contender. This has left some bad feelings for the Cavalier fans who have spent many seasons hoping for a title to come to Cleveland.
The Celtics are still a powerhouse as well boasting a number of All-Stars on their roster including the Diesel, who is none other than Shaq Daddy himself.
This is going to be another great NBA season. I watch NBA Preseason Basketball on satellite tv that I got after looking at this comparison of directv vs cable packages.
Beautiful Weather
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport
This guest post from Efren Gill
My family loves animals. Our house can feel like a zoo at times with the birds flying overhead and the dogs and cats underfoot. We used to have a freshwater fish tank, but I gave it to my mom to help alleviate some stress she was having. We miss our fish tank and plan on replacing it soon with a saltwater tank. Until we do, though, we visit the fish at the aquarium.
The Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport boasts many fascinating exhibits. There is no way to see and enjoy all of them in one day without rushing through the place, so we have to plan our adventure before leaving the house. With three kids who can't agree on what they want to see the most, it could become a hassle if we didn't. After we decide on an itinerary for the day, we gather our belongings, and head to the car, making sure to set our home security system from on the way out.
Even though the kids (and the adults) may not get to see their favorite exhibit on every visit, we all have the best time. I think this is a family tradition that will continue even after we get the saltwater tank for our house.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Daily Grind
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Furniture Shopping with Mom
The article written by Adrian Hickman
Tomorrow I'll be going furniture shopping with my mother, to pick out some pieces for my new apartment. It should be a long day, as we'll be choosing living room furniture such as a couch, loveseat, and coffee table, as well as a dining room table set. I also need to pick out a bedframe and mattress, comforter set, and a wardrobe or dresser for my bedroom. After we pick out these things, it'll be time to pick out all of the smaller housewares items, such as kitchen appliances and other decorative accessories for the apartment.
I'm looking forward to seeing what's available, as I've been waiting to get new furniture for awhile. Most of the furniture I currently have is showing some distinct wear and tear, as I've had it since college. It will be great to finally get some pieces that are in a modern style, of higher quality, and that will match the decor of my new place. I'll be spending a lot of time shopping, to make sure I get the best deals on everything!
After we finish up shopping, we'll probably head home to watch some satellite tv through my directv hd dvr, and to rest up for moving day. The weekend will be filled with lots of trips back and forth, as I'm moving everything in my two-door car, to save on rental costs.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Quiet evening
The kids had the cheese cake and Red Velvet Chocolate Milk. Guess it is a holiday flavor for the season.
Watching High Drama on the Oil Rig
The Author of this post is Alva Barrera
You have heard of gold, but do you know what black gold is? If you took a moment to think about it, you could probably figure it out. Here's a hint: we use it for almost everything. Most people think it's just used for cars and lawn mowers, but that's not the case at all. Black gold, which is oil, can be found in many products in your home. The point here is that oil is very important. This means the stakes are extremely high when people are drilling for oil. And when stakes are high, tensions will rise. This is what the show Black Gold is all about. But it's not really about the big boys risking millions of dollars. They might be shown from time to time, but this show is about the roughnecks. These are the guys who work for close to nothing and risk their lives daily. If one mistake is made, someone may die. Trips to the emergency room are frequent.
The best part about the show is the drama that takes place on the rig. These guys are battling to keep their jobs. They know that striking oil could mean job security and more money. They also know that failure to strike oil might mean the loss of a job and nowhere to go. This leads to high drama, and sometimes even fisticuffs. Since I love drama as long as I'm not involved in it, I'm sure to watch Black Gold on Free on Demand on satellite tv from tvbydirect whenever I get the chance.
New things
Friday, November 5, 2010
Let em eat cake
A Night on the Town
Thanks for the post from Wilbert Berg
Going to the theatre is an entertaining activity that can last an entire evening. Finding a fellow theatre buff, I need to look no further than the person with whom I reside. My husband and I find that planning the evening out is just as much fun as actually going. We usually begin planning the show in advance.
The Theatre District in New York City can fulfill most needs with the variety of offerings. We prefer the shows filled with mystery, such as Phantom of the Opera, or shows with magnificent color and music, like The Lion King.
Upon deciding on a show, we can now look forward to planning dinner. We would much rather eat before the show than after. Where there is such a vast variety of restaurants to choose from we decide on the type of cuisine first. Over pre-dinner cocktails at home, we usually opt for Italian, Chinese or an all American steakhouse.
If we are feeling particularly adventurous, we may just throw in limosine service, as yet, another way to feel upscale. At last we are ready for the evening. All important decisions have been made. One last ritual needs tending as we head out. Turn off the lights and set the home security alarm from!
I have good news.....
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Strike Three
I think of all of the baseball stories I remember from my Dad was before my sisters and I were on the scene and he and Mother went to a ball game and there was a foul ball which came in their direction. But before my parents could even react to it the ball hit the lady in the head in front of my Mother and actually knocked her out. The the ball bounced back and landed right in my Mothers lap. The poor lady was there in her seat out like a light and her husband was standing over her and was fighting with my Mom for the stupid baseball. Well my Mother won that fight because I saw that baseball all of my childhood and heard the story a thousand times at least. So all I have to say about that is Take Me Out to the Ballgame Take me out to the Field.
Day by day
I know I still need to make plans and work for things for the future but to sit and worry about them every day is just not doing me any good and it is not accomplishing anything at all. So her it is the new leaf I am turning over. This is hopefully the new me. I will see just how long this last before I find myself worrying about tomorrow. But hopefully when that happens I will be able to bring myself back to reality and take care of today.
Monday, October 25, 2010
At my age I can truly say I have worked more than half of my life. I thought by this time in my life I would not be working any but the way things are guess you just have to do what you have to do. Work is one of those things I just have to do.
At my age I can truly say I have worked more than half of my life. I thought by this time in my life I would not be working any but the way things are guess you just have to do what you have to do. Work is one of those things I just have to do.
A Girls Best Friend
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Peaceful Neighborhood???





Sunday, September 5, 2010
Hurricane Season
New Job
Lock It Up
Monday, April 19, 2010
Life changes
1. We are living with our daughters for a while.
2. We have no vehicle for right now.
3. We have no furniture except for our bed.
4. I have just signed up for social security. UCK means I'm ol .
5. I now have a part time instead of a full time job.
I am sure there is a lot more changes to list but before I get a thumb cramp I better stop.