Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bowling in a league

Post contributed by Josue Durham

Have you ever wondered why humans are so enamored with professional sports? We buy television sports packages so that we won't miss our favorite teams, we plan entire trips around attending a professional sporting event, we buy team apparell and spend the entire week looking forward to weekend rivalries. It's all about the thrill of the competition, and competition is not lacking in adult sports leagues.

I joined a bowling league not too long ago, and love every minute of it. It's fun, it's exciting -- there is always an opportunity to beat a rival and experience the sweet taste of victory. People may think that bowling is boring, that it isn't a real sport, and I beg to differ. Bowling is about independence; it's just you and the pins. You are in control of your own destiny, win or lose. You can perfect your game and encourage your teammates, revel in your successes and build upon the experience of your defeats. When I set myAllHomeSecurity home security alarm and leave the house for a tournament, I know it's going to be a good night, no matter the outcome.

Adults sports leagues offer the same excitement as watching professional athletic events, but you get to be in control. It's an event for the die-hard fans that are trying to make it big, even in the little leagues.

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