Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas is here

Well tomorrow is actually Christmas Eve. I known I should be excited and ready for Christmas. But every year I actually find myself dreading Christmas. I think it started happening when both my parents passed away several years ago. You see my parents were the picture of Christmas. They loved buying presents for the family and especially when they had grandchildren to purchase for. My Mother was one of these the number of presents did not matter. But she had to be sure that every child had the exact amount of money spent on them as the others. If this meant she had to purchase a pack of chewing gum, then so be it. That is what she would do.

I remember one year as a child I guess I was about 12 years old. My parents were gone for the day and for some reason I was allowed to stay at home by myself. Well I went into the attic and took a paring knife with me. I slit the tape on the packages with my name on them. I actually even tried on a dress. I can still see that dress it was black velvet and Oriental style with gold buttons and trim. I have to say it was probably the best but yet worse Christmas I ever had. I loved everything I received but there were no surprises. I had to act surprised with each package I opened on Christmas Eve even though I knew what everything was. I never told my Mother what I did. I think it would have broken her heart to know I had done something like that.

But to Mother and Daddy I miss you most at this time of the year. So Merry Christmas Mother and Daddy.

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