Saturday, November 6, 2010

Watching High Drama on the Oil Rig

The Author of this post is Alva Barrera

You have heard of gold, but do you know what black gold is? If you took a moment to think about it, you could probably figure it out. Here's a hint: we use it for almost everything. Most people think it's just used for cars and lawn mowers, but that's not the case at all. Black gold, which is oil, can be found in many products in your home. The point here is that oil is very important. This means the stakes are extremely high when people are drilling for oil. And when stakes are high, tensions will rise. This is what the show Black Gold is all about. But it's not really about the big boys risking millions of dollars. They might be shown from time to time, but this show is about the roughnecks. These are the guys who work for close to nothing and risk their lives daily. If one mistake is made, someone may die. Trips to the emergency room are frequent.

The best part about the show is the drama that takes place on the rig. These guys are battling to keep their jobs. They know that striking oil could mean job security and more money. They also know that failure to strike oil might mean the loss of a job and nowhere to go. This leads to high drama, and sometimes even fisticuffs. Since I love drama as long as I'm not involved in it, I'm sure to watch Black Gold on Free on Demand on satellite tv from tvbydirect whenever I get the chance.

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