Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Business as usual

My daughter has been thinking for a long time about starting her own catering business. It is something that she has really had a passion for. She is a very good cook if I must say so myself. She is right now in the list making stage of starting up a new business. She know of course that she will need her business license to start with. Then she will need all of the physical items that one would need to have a catering business. She will need a good location, plus anything and everything that one need in order to cook with. Much like at home but on a much grander scale of course.

Then the thought came to her that you can be a great cook and have a great location but if nobody know about you then you are pretty much already out of business. So she has decided that She will need to hire an Advertising Agency to bring the proper attention to her new business venture. She has actually come to the conclusion that unless people know who you are, where you are and what you do and to be honest how well you can do it then the best business is nothing more than a lemonade stand in your front yard. So now she is in the process of researching Advertising Agencies to find that perfect fit between the Agency and her for her new business. So to my daughter I wish the best and look forward to trying all of the new recipes she has been collecting.

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