Monday, September 21, 2009


We are busy trying to teach our grandchildren how to be responsible. Right now they have in their house 2 cats belonging to each of my daughters and they have 2 guinea pigs. The kids seem to think that since they themselves are big enough to go to the refrigerator or cabinet and get themselves something to eat that the pets must be able to take care of themselves. Well the cats maybe. Because if they get hungry and they have pigged out on their food in the cat dish. (remember we are talking about cats they weigh almost 20 pounds). The cats will just go and knock over the bag of cat food and eat it off of the floor. But the guinea pigs are a different story. They are confined to a cage. It is a big cage for them. But they cannot reach the refrigerator or cabinet much less their container of food. So they are dependent on the humans in the house. Don't get me wrong. The guinea pigs are not missing any meals cause they are definitely big and healthy. But to get just 1 of the 3 kids to take a moment out from the computer, TV or Wii is like taking on WW3. So when we move to PA and it is just them here sure hope they do a better job of feeding them.

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