Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's the Law of the Jungle

I know that the law of the jungle says that larger animals eat smaller animals for their food source. Well we have the law of the jungle right here in our house. The other night I happened to get up our of bed during the night and looked out at the table in the kitchen where we have the hamster cage sitting. I noticed something that should not have been there. Laying right in front of the cage staring in at the hamster was one of my daughters cats. Just so happens to be the 20 pound cat. I ran the cat off like three times and she kept coming back. So I got the cage and for the night put it in my walk in shower so protect the little hamster.
Yesterday some people in the area were moving and had some free things they were giving away. One of them was a big wire dog crate. So last night I put the hamster cage and all inside the wire cage to protect it from the cats. It may look kind of crazy but hey what ever works that is what you have to do. I don't know how we would explain to the kids that Teddie McCuddles was a midnight snack to Carmela the cat.

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