Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Higher and Higher

I am thankful for one thing in my life at least that we are not in major debt right now in our life. I do remember years ago in our marriage where we were deeply in debt and that was a time when I dreaded to answer the phone or get the mail out of the mailbox because I new everything coming into the house was just another bill that we owed. I mean we have a couple of bills but nothing that has us drowning in debt at this time in our life and economy. But I do know a lot of people who are so deep in debt that they are in major trouble especially with the state that the economy is in right now. But there are ways that you can Avoid Bankruptcy with the help of some professionals. So if you are worried that you could wind up in bankruptcy there is an alternative for your. If you apply and your IVA application gets approved you could wind up with 70% of your debts written off. It is also possible that you would not have to pay any interest and that you could be absolutely debt free in a little as 5 years or even less. From what I am hearing right now on Television getting out of debt is the number one News Years resolution this year for people to try to achieve.

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