Sunday, May 4, 2008

Opps we have a problem

I cannot believe what my grandson Zachariah did this afternoon. He has some crazy little Spiderman web toy and it has a suction cup on it. Well as you can probably see it wet the suction cup and suctioned it to the middle of his forehead. He now has a major self inflicted hickey in the middle of his forehead. We have laughed at him all day. He has really been a good sport about it with us. So we are not being cruel to him (he is laughing too) But we have told him he better come up with a real good story when he has to go back to school tomorrow. Cause if he tells the kids the truth they will laugh him out of school. I am telling you that with him being a twin and having a sister just shy of a year older than him. What what child doesn't think of to do one of the other two will come up with it. But if you had told me that one of them would put a hickey in the middle of their forehead I would have said no no never never.

Well the story continues. As I am typing this post the other twin comes running and says something is wrong with Zachariah, he can't breath. So I run to the bathroom and he is standing there crying but obviously breathing. We finally get that something is in his throat. He finally says that there is a hair stuck in his throat. I finally got him to tell me how he happened to manage this. He says he found a lifesaver piece of candy under his bed and he ate it and it had a hair on it so now he has a hair stuck in his throat.

So two things you should never do.
  1. Stick a suction cup spiderman web to the middle of your forehead
  2. Eat a hairy lifesaver.


Linda said...

I got here thru entrecard...and I laughed...not because it's funny to see a kid with a hicky head...but because my 4 year old son did pretty much the same thing. I even blogged about it as well! (see here: )

Oh are kids are kids!

Bobbie said...

Linda -

At least your son was only 4 years old my grandson is 8 1/2 and he should have known better. But at least it gave us a good laugh and his sister is still calling Hickey head this morning.

Wendy Lopez-Redaon said...

hi bobbie =)

I am Wendy, one of your droppers in entrecard!

well, kids will be kids and they do put anything in their mouths do they!

I remember a classmate when i was in elementary who eats erasers, glue and chalk =) ewww.
