Friday, April 11, 2008

Family Nite Out

Well,last night was a family nite out. Joy decided that we were all going to go out to eat to celebrate report cards. The kids decided that they wanted pizza. Now if it were me I would have taken a New York Strip Steak but I didn't get a vote. So off to pizza land we went. It was the place where for one price they have the buffet and you pick what you want. Well I am a pizza snob and I only like a pizza from a few select places and this place is not the place. So after trying a couple of different kinds I decided it was time to hit the dessert pizza bar. So I see they are bringing out this cinnamon bread break apart thing. I head up to it and just about got run over by this rather large rotund woman who as soon as they put a new cinnamon thing out she hit the bar. Well she filled her plate to overflowing and left 4 pieces on the tray Some guy edged me out and took three of the 4 pieces so I took the last remaining piece. Then I got a brownie they seemed to be in abundance. Oh the lady with the plate full of cinnamon stuff didn't share with her table of people either they were all for her. I tried for several trips to get more of the cinnamon and managed to get enough to partially fill my tummy. There was a family of people and I use the work people very loosely sitting behind us and just let me say that they had all taken a dip in the same shallow gene pool. Like your Mamma is your siser and you daddy is you aunt something like that. Then all of a sudden Joy just about spits her pizza across the table. She said some lady got up to go back to the bar and before she did she managed up unbutton her pants so she could have more room for more pizza. Lastly Randy gets himself a slice of pizza and finally asks what kind of meat do you think this is on this pizza and the girls started guessing and he kept saying nope, nope, nope. He finally said it was Tuna Fish. Come on who puts tuna on a pizza. UCK to the max. So needless to say I am not ready to go back there for.... oh about a 100 years or so.


Anonymous said...

Bobbie..first..wanted to say thanks for dropping my blog regularly! Much appreciated. I also see I'm on your "reading" list. I'll reciprocate and add yours to mine as well!

Just wanted to say with regards to this post..been there..done that..and seeing as how we are in the same neck of the woods..I probably know which of those buffet style pizza joints you went to..not much of a fan either..but..when we had 5 kids living under one roof at one was easier sometimes. But..those joints definitely bring out the Pasco County rednecks where I live! LOL. See ya round

Anonymous said...

My goodness that pizza looks so good. It sounds like a great family night out. I wrote about my family's pizza event recently (by event I just mean we ate pizza ;) (linked in this comment) Nice blog, I surfed here through Entrecard.
