Thursday, August 9, 2007


Moving is a very trying chore to say the least. First you have to go through everything you own to see what you want to keep and what you have accumulated over time that you have no idea why you ever obtained it in the first place and if you actually know what it's actual use would be. Then you have to get boxes to pack the stuff that you think you need and you will decide later down the road that you have no idea why you have still have some items. Then is the CHORE and I do mean CHORE of transferring utility deposits. This is an area where even God himself would lose his religion. I mean utilities are not something that if they are overcharging you for the deposit or for the utility that you have the option to go somewhere else to purchase said utility. The utility companies have a monopoly on their particular utility. Then comes the dreaded moving day! You never want this day to arrive in Florida in the month of August. But when it does and sometimes the law of averages catches up with you and you wind up moving during August you just grin and go on with it. You also sweat a lot and I do mean a lot. Then once you are actually moved in then you have the job of finding a place for all of the things you still think you need and that is not always an easy job especially if you go from a 9 room house to a 6 room house. It is like trying to get a gallon of something into a quart container. Something will always run over.

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