Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Run for your life

I remember as a kid going with my parents and sisters to visit Pikes Peak which is in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We did have some car problems when we were there. Daddy tried to drive our car to the top of Pikes Peak but it overheated on him. So we wound up taking the train up and a bus down. It was a lot more fun that listening to my parents argue all the way up and down about the car and various other issues. The one thing I was glad we did not need the service of was auto body shops colorado. I have to be honest I thought we might have a problem when one morning my Dad sent me out to the car to get something for him. When I got ready to come back in from the car I looked up to see a very large Bull running right at me. This bull had gotten lose from some sort of truck and was running wild through town. The one thing I remember is I had on red shorts and had always been told that bulls did not like red. Great and there I was a standing target for him. So I did the only thing I could think of I hid behind the car. That is right my Dad's car. But lucky for me the Bull ran right past me with a guy in a pickup truck hot on his trail. Daddy came to finally look for me just in time to see the bull make a return trip through the parking lot. So at least he didn't think I was just making up the story. It was something we laughed about for years to come. Me bull fighting in the parking lot of our motel in Colorado.

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