You absolutely have to visit their web site it is absolutely wonderful. I am a big sucker for pictures when there is someplace I want to visit. They have some of the most beautiful pictures on their site I have seen. Although, I have to be honest, I could do without seeing the pictures of the spiders and the reptiles. I am not a reptile or spider person. I have screamed more than once for my husband to come kill "the giant" spider and when he comes he laughs at me cause it is little. We won't be taking any kids with us (Thanks heavens) but if you do they have programs just for them so that they can look and learn while they are there.
The Shangri LaBotanical Gardens are located in the city of Orange, Texas so you need to visit and see what else there is there to check out. I am a firm believer that every city has something to offer us. Sometimes it might be hard to find but I can guarantee you that in Orange, Texas you won't have trouble finding what they have to offer.
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