Thursday, January 31, 2008

List of Oxymoron statements

OK I just heard one of the biggest oxymoron statements I have ever heard in my entire life. Jill is borrowing the "Mother's" car to go to the bus stop to pick up the 3 grandchildren. For the life of me I cannot understand why but she agreed to take the three year old with her. Call her CRAZY cause she is to do that. But as he was screaming at his "Mother" that he was going she said "JZ behave" now that is a true oxymoron because he can't, will not, and never mind anyone period! So that got me thinking about other oxymoron statements so I am going to try to list a few of them.

  1. a cappella with music
  2. accidentally on purpose
  3. act naturally
  4. a little big
  5. Amtrack schedule
  6. bad health
  7. civil war
  8. clear as mud
  9. clearly misunderstood
  10. deafening silence
  11. diet icecream
  12. front end
  13. paper tablecloth
  14. perfectly awful
  15. quiet scream
  16. real phony
  17. restless sleep
  18. single pair
  19. slight exaggeration
  20. small fortune
OK I could have listed hundreds more but didn't want to bore you so much you became "Half Dead".

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