Friday, October 19, 2007

Old Sayings from my Mother #2

Here are 10 more sayings I remember my Mother saying when I was a child. I will probably have about one more posting on these. I actually think that most of them were old sayings passed down from my grandmother and possibly from her mother. Now I am hearing my daughters saying these very things to their children so things just keep going on and on and on.

She Said: I do declare
It Means: Really?

She Said: I've got everything tied down and locked up
It Means: I took care of all the details

She Said: I like to died
It Means: I was very embarrassed

She Said: I love you to pieces
It Means: I love you very much

She Said: I Reckon
It Means: I think so

She Said: If that don't beat all
It Means: Imagine that

She Said: Well I'll be dipped in S**t and rolled in cookie crumbs
It Means: I can hardly believe it

She Said: I'm fixing to
It Means: I'm getting ready to

She Said: It don't make no never mind
It Means: It doesn't matter

She Said: Keep your shirt on
It Means: Wait a minute

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