Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday Blues

Well it is Monday again and some of you out there know what that means. It means the kids are home from school and it is dreaded homework time. I really hate homework. I hated it when I was in school and now that I have been out of school for many many years, I hate it more. When you have three coming home with homework and then I get one of the twins to help with his homework and believe it or not he shows up with a ball point pen to do his homework with. So now we are having a battle because he is pouting on the steps saying he doesn't have a pencil and I am very sure that he is not ready to do math with an ink pen. Bet you can guess who will win this battle. If you place any bets I would encourage you to place them on me. Two late I already won he is back with a sour look on his face but you guessed it he has a pencil in his hand. I am Nannie hear me roar!!!


Jess said...

I wear the pants... I mean, I hold the pencils in my house. Literally, I keep them all in a box in my desk so I never have to hear that excuse. But I sure remember giving it to my Mama every chance I got.

Jill said...

The kids are full of baloney...there are at least 200 pencils in this house! At.Least!
