Sunday, August 7, 2011

So Scary

Thanks for the guest post by Jo Levy

Buying my first home was terrifying because I never imagined I’d be single at 30 and having to invest in my own place. I think in the back of my mind I knew I’d be married by now and find a place that worked for me with my husband but that’s just not how things worked out so it was my dad who came in at closing to help me with everything. I’m really glad I did it since it was such a great financial move but I can’t say I don’t get lonely here sometimes. I went to and got an alarm since I’m here by myself a lot and I’ve even been considering getting a cat but the last thing I want is to be the crazy cat lady all of a sudden! I don’t even have a boyfriend so there’s no hope that I’ll get married anytime soon so I think this was the right move. I thought my life would look different at this age but I guess you do what you can!

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