Thursday, April 10, 2008

Eat to live don't live to eat

Since Randy and I have been back from Haiti Randy has put back on a lot of the weight that he took off before making the move. Randy is one of those Emotional Eaters, when he gets stressed out or something is wrong he eats. I really worry about him because of his being overweight. I love him very much as you can imagine since we have been married for 40 years now. I actually think he might be able to get some help from to try to get to the bottom of his emotional eating issues. I try to talk to him about it but it just frustrates him and I don't want to fight about it with him. This program was founded by a world renowned emotional eating expert Dr. Roget Gould. He has a program that has been well studied for over 20 years so he is not a novice at this subject. The program Shrink yourself doesn't only help people who want to overcome their problem with food having power over them. The program focus on weight loss but it also helps you uncover bigger issues in your life. Shrink Yourself users have not only reported changes in their weight but they also experience big changes in other area of their lives. They have a free interactive session and personalized emotional eating report are available on their web site. I really think I am going to try to get him to check into this so that he can overcome this issue in his life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bobbie, thanks for adding me.
