Thursday, November 15, 2007

Killing off my favorite characters

OK, now I am really getting upset. It seems like this is the season to kill off some of my favorite characters in my favorite TV programs. Last week on The Unit they killed off one of the regular actors in like the last 30 seconds of the program. I was really shocked when it happened and had I blinked at the precise instant I would have missed it. It was that quick. Then tonight on Criminal Minds they killed off Garcia. She is absolutely one of my favorites because she is really quirky and this one happened in like the last absolute second. I never had the faintest idea that it was going to happen. I had red the preview on Yahoo TV and it said something about Garcia going on a date and it ending unexpectedly but never in my wildest dreams did I see it coming. OK, I know if you are reading this you are telling me to get a lift and you are right. But, for me right now I have no life to speak of and watching my favorite programs is just about it. So let me wallow in my grief for a bit.


Anonymous said...

Dude i totally agree.
i was like whoa. wtf?

i almost cant believe they'd actually kill her off. she's my fave too (i'm actually quite similar to the character she plays)

do you think maybe it has something to do w/the writers strike???

anyways, lets hope the "miracle" her well...

Bobbie said...

Glad to hear I am not the only Garcia fan out there. Hopefully, they will bring her back from death's door.
